Sunday, January 20, 2008

What is wrong with charity?

I am not a Christian. I haven't got a mystic bond in my body. Some people ask me - What do I live for? The question seems strange to me. I can still have a sense of purpose without believing in some after-life. In fact I would argue that values that are personally held have more meaning than values blindly accepted on faith.
They argue that just because I dont believe myself to live beyond my death, that I could not have any reason for living. Maybe thats why they invest so much time in material prosperity because they think they can take it with them. Or maybe its just more selfish to give wealth to your family members than strangers. Well I have studied philosophy and psycholohgy, and I know that people have a Hierarchy of Values. So I can't rationalise that 'Charity Begins In the Home' because that it where it for the most part seems to end.

Actually I am not advocating that people give away there fortunes to the poor. I am advocating that people act with integrity. I think if people did that - there would be less poor. Some of the examples of poverty - like the following story on the Philippines is caused more by a lack of integrity than anything else. There is an enormous concentration of wealth in this country. Though this country has more 'name-plate' Catholics than any country on Earth, though they when it comes to integrity - they must be one of the most maligned. Of course its a case of ignorance.

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